Performing Outdoor Theatre

Performing Wolf Alice in the Company of Wolves, by Burn the Curtain

In October 2023, as the full moon hung behind heavy moving rain clouds above Lee Bay in North Devon, I performed the epic role of ‘Wolf Alice’ in The Company of Wolves, with Burn the Curtain Theatre.

This outdoor theatre adventure for runners and walkers is an adaptation of Angela Carter’s classic tales was adapted by Burn the Curtain and Shiona Morton. It also includes elements of the author’s stories ‘Wolf-Alice’, ‘Peter and the Wolf ‘ and ‘The Werewolf’.

The company and crew

This is the amazing Burn the Curtain company: Joe Hancock and Alexander Warren, crew, Beaford Arts members and volunteers who ran and walked with us through the hills, guiding and supporting the audiences to discover the overlapping stories about the Duke: Richard Feltham, Red Riding Hood: Elizabeth Daleigh, The Huter: Michel, Peter the Priest: Neville Connor and Wolf Alice: Sam Gilroy.

Photo by Theo Moye

Highlights included transforming humans into wolves with The Duke – Richard Feltham, running and howling to the full moon together as the company of wolves, and finding ways to stay dry: we found bin-bag couture to be the best option!